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The Pilgrimage of Pure Devotion by Desiderius Erasmus
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certayne yonge man, yt was well learnyd, whiche dyd
expownde and tell vs the saynge of ye Sextê, hys name
(as fere as I remembre) was Robert alderisse, by what
tokenes or argumêtes he dyd know that it was the mylke
of owr lady. And that I very fayne, & for a good
purpose desyred to knowe, that I myght stope the
mowthes of certayne newfanglyd felowes, that be wotyd
to haue suche holy relyques in derysyon and mokage.
Fyrst of all the Sexten with a froward cowntenãce wold
nat tell, but I desyryd the yong man to moue hym more
instantly, but somwhat more gently he so courtesly
behauyd hymselffe, that and he had prayd owr lady
herselffe || after that fashion, she wold nat haue be
dysplesyd therwith. And thã this mystycall chapleyn, as
and if he had be inspyryd with ye holy ghoste, castynge
at vs a frounynge loke, as & if he wold haue shote at
vs ye horryble thonderbolte of the greate curse, what
nede you (saythe he) to moue suche questyones, whan yow
see before your eyes so autentycall & old a table. And
we were afrayd lest that he wold haue cast vs out of
the churche for heretykes, but that oure monay dyd
tempte hys greate furye. _Mene._ What dyd you in the
meaneseason? _Ogygyus._ What suppose you? We were
amasyd as and if a man had stryke vs with a clube, or
we had be slayne with a thonderclape, and we very lowly
axid pardon of oure folishe boldenes, and gote vs frome
thens. For so must we entreate holy thynges. || Frome
thens we went in to ye howse where owre lady dwellithe,
and whan we came there, we sawe another Sexten whiche
was but a noues, he lokyd famylarly as and if he had
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