The Pilgrimage of Pure Devotion by Desiderius Erasmus
page 27 of 53 (50%)
page 27 of 53 (50%)
pardon to it thayre names be wryten there, as thay came
to vysyte it, nat withowt thayre offerynges, and thay haue || gyuen to it remyssyon, as moche as thay had to gyue by thayre authorite. _Me._ How moche is that? _Ogy._ Fowrty dayes. _Mene._ Yee is there dayes in hell. _Ogy._ Trewly ther is tyme. Ye but whan thay haue grãtyd all thayre stynte, thay haue no more to grante. _Ogy._ That is nat so for whan one parte is gone another dothe encrease, and it chansythe dyuersly euyn as the tonne of Canaidus. For that althoghe it be incontynently fyllyd, yet it is alway emptye: and if thou be takynge owt of it, yet there is neuer the lesse in the barell. _Me._ If thay grãte to an hunderithe thowsand mê fowrty dayes of pardone, wuld euery man haue elyke? _Ogy._ No doubte of that. _Me._ And if any haue forty byfore dynar, may he axe other forty at after souper, is there any thynge left than to gyue him? _Ogy._ Ye, & if thou aske it ten tymes in one howre. _Me._ I wold || C iiij.|| to God that I had suche a pardon bagge, I wold aske but .iij. grotes, and if thay wold flowe so faste. _Ogy._ Ye but you desyre to be to ryche, if that you myght for wyshynge, but I wyl turne to my tale, but there was some good holy man whiche dyd gyue this argumente of holynes to that mylke, and sayd that our Ladyes mylke whiche is in many other places, is precyous & to be worshipyd but thys is moche more precyous, & to be honoryd, bycause the other was shauen of stones, but this is the same that came out of the virgynes brest. _Me._ How kno you that? _Ogy._ The mayd of Cõstantynople, which dyd gyue it, |