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The Pilgrimage of Pure Devotion by Desiderius Erasmus
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of gode immortall in to the ymage of a corruptyble man,
and therfore to incentiously he hathe suffrede them to
wandre in theyr clowdes of ygnoraunce, preferrynge the
lyes and corrupte || [+] iij.|| iudgmentes of man the
veryte and the truthe of god, rather seruynge the
creature then the creator, amongest all the parties of
the whiche (as was spoken at the begynnyng) thys alwaye
not alonely in the newe law, but also in the olde
Testament was as a thynge moost abhomynable and
displesant in the sight of gode prohybyte and forbyden:
but our nature whiche hath in hym, the dampnable
repugnaûce of synne agaynst the omnypotêt power of
gode, lest euyn frome owre fyrst father Adam, is so
enclyned to vyces, amongest the whiche it hath not
gyuen the least parte to thys desperate synne of
ydolatrye, agaynst the immaculate, and fearefull
commandement of god. Thou shalt haue no straunge Gods
in my syght, that it is sore to be dreadde the same
iudgement to be gyuyn || vpon vs that was gyuen vpon
the cytye of Ninyue to be absorped of the yerthe in to
the yre and vengeannce of gode, whiche hathe ben the
cause that so many wryters bothe of late dayes, and
many yeres passede, haue euyn to deathe, resisted thes
dampnable bolsterers of ydolatrye, gyuen theyr selues
to the crosse in example of reformacyon to theyr
bretherne, bothe in wrytinge and cownsell, exhortynge
the flocke of Christe frome soche prophane doctryne,
amongest whome the noble and famouse clerke _Desiderius
Erasmus_ hath setforthe to the quycke ymage, before
mennys eyes, the supersticyouse worshype and false
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