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McGuffey's Third Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 3 of 145 (02%)
the books. The aim of this revision has been to preserve
unimpaired the distinctive features of the series, and at the
same time to present the matter in a new dress, with new
type, new illustrations, and with a considerable amount of
new matter.
Spelling exercises are continued through the first half of
the THIRD READER. These exercises, with those furnished
in the two lower books, are exhaustive of the words
employed in the reading lessons. Words are not repeated in
the vocabularies.
In the latter half of the book, definitions are introduced. It
is hoped that the teacher will extend this defining exercise to
all the words of the lesson liable to be misunderstood. The
child should define the word in his own language sufficiently
to show that he has a mastery of the word in its use.
Drills in articulation and emphasis should be given with
every lesson. The essentials of good reading are not to be
taught by one or two lessons. Constant drill on good
exercises, with frequent exhibitions of the correct method
from the teacher, will be found more effectual than any form
prescribed in type.
If the pupils are not familiar with the diacritical marks,
they should be carefully taught; such instruction constitutes
an excellent drill on articulation, and enables the pupils to
use the dictionary with intelligence.
Copyright, 1879, by VAN ANTWERP, BRAGG & Co.
Copyright, 1896, by AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY.
Copyright, 1907 and 1920, by H. H. VAIL.
(ii) MG 30 60 REV.
EP 308
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