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The False One by Francis Beaumont;John Fletcher
page 14 of 124 (11%)
_Ptol._ The reason _Labienus_?

_Lab._ Full well he knows, that in their blood he was
To pass to Empire, and that through their bowels
He must invade the Laws of _Rome_, and give
A period to the liberty of the world.
Then fell the _Lepidi_, and the bold _Corvini_,
The fam'd _Torquati_, _Scipio's_, and _Marcelli_,
(Names next to _Pompeys_, most renown'd on Earth)
The Nobles, and the Commons lay together,
And Pontique, Punique, and _Assyrian_ blood
Made up one crimson Lake: which _Pompey_ seeing,
And that his, and the fate of _Rome_ had left him
Standing upon the Rampier of his Camp,
Though scorning all that could fall on himself,
He pities them whose fortunes are embarqu'd
In his unlucky quarrel; cryes aloud too
That they should sound retreat, and save themselves:
That he desir'd not, so much noble blood
Should be lost in his service, or attend
On his misfortunes: and then, taking horse
With some few of his friends, he came to _Lesbos_,
And with _Cornelia_, his Wife, and Sons,
He's touch'd upon your shore: the King of _Parthia_,
(Famous in his defeature of the _Crassi_)
Offer'd him his protection, but _Pompey_
Relying on his Benefits, and your Faith,
Hath chosen _Ægypt_ for his Sanctuary,
Till he may recollect his scattered powers,
And try a second day: now _Ptolomy_,
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