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The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez
page 31 of 502 (06%)
absence! . . . In spite of his discretion, the man who was reading his
paper raised his head and looked irritably at them over his spectacles
as though a fly were distracting him with its buzzing. . . . The very
idea of talking love-nonsense in a public garden when all Europe was
threatened with calamity!

Repelling the audacious hand, Marguerite spoke tranquilly of her
existence during the last months.

"I have passed my life the best I could, but I have been greatly bored.
You know that I am now living with mama, and mama is a lady of the old
regime who does not understand our tastes. I have been to the theatres
with my brother. I have made many calls on the lawyer in order to learn
the progress of my divorce and hurry it along . . . and nothing else."

"And your husband?"

"Don't let's talk about him. Do you want to? I pity the poor man!
So good . . . so correct. The lawyer assures me that he agrees to
everything and will not impose any obstacles. They tell me that he does
not come to Paris, that he lives in his factory. Our old home is closed.
There are times when I feel remorseful over the way I have treated him."

"And I?" queried Julio, withdrawing his hand.

"You are right," she returned smiling. "You are Life. It is cruel but
it is human. We have to live our lives without taking others into
consideration. It is necessary to be selfish in order to be happy."

The two remained silent. The remembrance of the husband had swept across
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