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The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez
page 66 of 502 (13%)
his lot with the revolting democracies of America, and although nobility
now seemed to him something out-of-date and incomprehensible, still
he stoutly maintained that the only true nobility was that of his own
country. He would yield first place to the gringoes for the invention
of machinery and ships, and for breeding priceless animals, but all the
Counts and Marquises of Gringo-land appeared to him to be fictitious

"All tomfoolery!" he blustered. "There isn't any nobility in your
country, nor have you five dollars all told to rub against each other.
If you had, you wouldn't come over here to play the gallant to women who
are . . . you know what they are as well as I do."

To the astonishment of Desnoyers, the German received this onslaught
with much humility, nodding his head in agreement with the Patron's last

"If there's any truth in all this twaddle about titles," continued
Madariaga implacably, "swords and uniforms, what did you come here for?
What in the devil did you do in your own country that you had to leave

Now Karl hung his head, confused and stuttering.

"Papa, papa," pleaded Elena. "The poor little fellow! How can you
humiliate him so just because he is poor?"

And she felt a deep gratitude toward her brother-in-law when he broke
through his usual reserve in order to come to the rescue of the German.

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