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The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez
page 78 of 502 (15%)
the money, was wondering what china was referred to, and why he should
make her a present.

Desnoyers finally had to drag his son away from the baleful teachings
of his grandfather. It was simply useless to have masters come to the
house, or to send Julio to the country school. Madariaga would always
steal his grandson away, and then they would scour the plains together.
So when the boy was eleven years old, his father placed him in a big
school in the Capital.

The grandfather then turned his attention to Julio's three-year-old
sister, exhibiting her before him as he had her brother, as he took her
from ranch to ranch. Everybody called Chicha's little girl Chichi, but
the grandfather bestowed on her the same nickname that he had given her
brother, the "peoncito." And Chichi, who was growing up wild, vigorous
and wilful, breakfasting on meat and talking in her sleep of roast beef,
readily fell in with the old man's tastes. She was dressed like a boy,
rode astride like a man, and in order to win her grandfather's praises
as "fine cowboy," carried a knife in the back of her belt. The two raced
the fields from sun to sun, Madariaga following the flying pigtail of
the little Amazon as though it were a flag. When nine years old she,
too, could lasso the cattle with much dexterity.

What most irritated the ranchman was that his family would remember his
age. He received as insults his son-in-law's counsels to remain quietly
at home, becoming more aggressive and reckless as he advanced in years,
exaggerating his activity, as if he wished to drive Death away. He
accepted no help except from his harum-scarum "Peoncito." When Karl's
children, great hulking youngsters, hastened to his assistance and
offered to hold his stirrup, he would repel them with snorts of
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