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The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez
page 84 of 502 (16%)
freely there. It was necessary for him to return to "his world."

As they looked squarely at each other, Desnoyers saw an unknown Karl,
a Karl whose existence he had never suspected when he was under his
protection, timid and servile. The Frenchman, too, was beginning to see
things in a new light.

"Very well," he assented. "Let each take his own. That seems fair to



The "Madariagan succession," as it was called in the language of
the legal men interested in prolonging it in order to augment their
fees--was divided into two groups, separated by the ocean. The Desnoyers
moved to Buenos Aires. The Hartrotts moved to Berlin as soon as Karl
could sell all the legacy, to re-invest it in lands and industrial
enterprises in his own country.

Desnoyers no longer cared to live in the country. For twenty years,
now, he had been the head of an enormous agricultural and stock raising
business, overseeing hundreds of men in the various ranches. The
parcelling out of the old man's fortune among Elena and the other
legatees had considerably constricted the radius of his authority,
and it angered him to see established on the neighboring lands so many
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