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The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez
page 98 of 502 (19%)
out the foreigner and relieved him of his embarrassment. Why not buy a
castle? . . .

The entire family was delighted with the idea. An historic castle, the
most historic that could be found, would supplement their luxurious
establishment. Chichi paled with pride. Some of her friends had castles.
Others, of old colonial family, who were accustomed to look down upon
her for her country bringing up, would now cry with envy upon learning
of this acquisition which was almost a patent of nobility. The mother
smiled in the hope of months in the country which would recall the
simple and happy life of her youth. Julio was less enthusiastic. The
"old man" would expect him to spend much time away from Paris, but he
consoled himself by reflecting that the suburban place would provide
excuse for frequent automobile trips.

Desnoyers thought of the relatives in Berlin. Why should he not have
his castle like the others? . . . The bargains were alluring. Historic
mansions by the dozen were offered him. Their owners, exhausted by
the expense of maintaining them, were more than anxious to sell. So he
bought the castle of Villeblanche-sur-Marne, built in the time of
the religious wars--a mixture of palace and fortress with an Italian
Renaissance facade, gloomy towers with pointed hoods, and moats in which
swans were swimming.

He could now live with some tracts of land over which to exercise his
authority, struggling again with the resistance of men and things.
Besides, the vast proportions of the rooms of the castle were very
tempting and bare of furniture. This opportunity for placing the
overflow from his cellars plunged him again into buying. With this
atmosphere of lordly gloom, the antiques would harmonize beautifully,
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