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Instructions on Modern American Bridge Building by G. B. N. (George Bates Nichols) Tower
page 56 of 57 (98%)
Bold headings are handled with equal signs before and after the bold text.
Italicised text uses the standard underlines before and after the text.
Fractions are expressed in the format: 2-1/4 means two and one quarter.

The page numbers listed below are project page numbers.
(The original book used Roman numerals to number the pages.)

Note that the book uses the "long" ton equal to 2,240 pounds.


1. Page 8--the formula for "d" must use a cube root, which is how it
is shown here, but the '3' to indicate a cube root is not found in
the original document.
2. Page 8--typo in word 'sectien'--changed to 'section'.
3. Page 10--Value for working comp. strength of cast iron in the
table had a typo (25,v00). Since other values use round numbers,
it is assumed the value should be 25,000.
4. Page 10--Two other typos. Changed 'the the' to 'the', and in
table heading, original word was 'detrution', changed to correct
spelling of 'detrusion'.
5. Page 12--changed 'woooden' to 'wooden'.
6. Page 13--Example II--In the calculations, the intermediate value
in the book was printed as the square root of 67.2. The left part
is correct, but reduces to the square root of 268.8, and that is
~16.395. So I have corrected the intermediate value.
7. Page 13--Because the original page scan cut off the text on the
right edge, I have made assumptions on what text was missing.
Because the scans came from an outside source, I could not get
the missing information, which was the words at the end of Example
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