The Log School-House on the Columbia by Hezekiah Butterworth
page 5 of 192 (02%)
page 5 of 192 (02%)
VI. Mount Saint Helens
LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Gretchen at the Potlatch Feast E. J. Austen (Frontispiece) Indians spearing fish at Salmon Falls "Here were mountains grander than Olympus." The North Puyallup Glacier, Mount Tacoma In the midst of this interview Mrs. Woods appeared at the door of the cabin A. E. Pope The eagle soared away in the blue heavens, and the flag streamed after him in his talons E.J. Austen The mountain lion D. Carter Beard An Indian village on the Columbia Afar loomed Mount Hood A castellated crag arose solitary and solemn At the Cascades of the Columbia |