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Narrative of Services in the Liberation of Chili, Peru and Brazil, - from Spanish and Portuguese Domination, Volume 1 by Thomas Cochrane Earl of Dundonald
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discharge a double debt: First--of thanks to one whose high political
character this country will ever warmly cherish;--Secondly--of deep-felt
gratitude for the countenance and efficient aid experienced from your
Lordship at a period when party faction made me the object of bitter
resentment; the injustice of which could in no way be better
demonstrated, than by the fact that--in the midst of unmerited obloquy,
it was my high privilege to preserve your Lordship's friendship and

I have the honour to be,

Your Lordship's obliged and faithful Servant,





Invitation to take command of Chilian Navy--Arrival at Valparaiso--First
expedition to Peru--Attack on Spanish shipping at Callao--Departure for
Huacho--Capture of Spanish convoys of money--Paita taken--Return to
Valparaiso to reorganise the squadron--Offer to give up my share of
prize money to the Republic--This offer declined by the Supreme
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