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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 20, 1841 by Various
page 11 of 61 (18%)


The swelling here is different--sonorous, tense, elastic;
On it you might a tattoo beat, with fingers or with a stick.
There's costiveness and atrophy, with features Hippocratic;
When these appear, there's much to fear, all safety is erratic.
Although a cordial laxative, mix'd up with some carminative,
Might be prescribed, with morphia, or hops, to keep the man alive;
Take care his diet's nutritive, avoiding food that's flatulent,
And each week let him have a dose of Punch from Mr. Bryant sent.
Sing hey! sing ho! &c.

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It appears that no less than _one hundred and sixty-four_ Attorneys have
given notice of their intention to practise in the Court of Queen's Bench;
and _eleven_ of the fraternity have applied to be re-admitted Attorneys of
the Court. We had no idea that such an alarming extension was about taking
place in

[Illustration: THE RIFLE CORPS.]

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