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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 20, 1841 by Various
page 15 of 61 (24%)
_scheme_ of publication.

Taking advantage of the respite which the close of this work will afford
us, we have decided in January next to rent a second floor at Kentish

The pleasure we anticipate from the realisation of a wish we have long
entertained and long hoped to gratify, is subdued by the reflection that
we shall find it somewhat difficult to emancipate our moveables from the
thraldom of Mrs. Gibbons, our respected but over-particular landlady.

To console the numerous readers of PUNCH, we have it in command to
announce, that on Saturday, Nov. 27th, the first chapter of a series under
the title of the "Puff Papers," appropriately illustrated, will be
commenced, with a desire to supply the hiatus in periodical fiction,
occasioned by the temporary seclusion of one of the most popular novelists
of the day.

Dear friends, farewell! Should we again desire to resume the pen, we trust
at your hands we shall not have to encounter a

[Illustration: DISPUTED RETURN.]

* * * * *


We are happy to find that Dr. Tully Cicero Burke Sheridan Grattan Charles
Phillips Hobler Bedford has not been deterred by the late unsatisfactory
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