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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 20, 1841 by Various
page 17 of 61 (27%)
I hasn't taken a cheer afore, perhaps carried one--but it never has been
my proud extinction to preside over such a meeting--so numerous in its
numbers and suspectable in its appearance. My friend, Dr. &c. Bedford,
(_Hear, hear! from. Dr. &c. Bedford_,) his the hornament of natur in this
19th cemetary. His prodigious outlays"--

_Voice without_.--"Here they are, only a penny!"

Dr. &c. Bedford.--"Order, order! His--his--you know what I mean that
shoold distinguish the fisishun and the orator. I may say the Solus of
orators,--renders him the most fittest and the most properest person to
take care of the Royal health, and the Royal Infant Babby of these
regions," (_Hear, hear! from Dr. &c. Bedford_.)

The Doctor then proceeded to embody the foregoing observations into a
resolution, which was proposed by Dr. &c. Bedford, and seconded by Dr. &c.
Bedford, who having held up both his hands, declared it to be carried
_nem. con._

Dr. &c. Bedford then proposed a vote of thanks to Dr, &c. Bedford for his
conduct in the chair. The meeting then dispersed, after Dr. &c. Bedford
had returned thanks, and bowed to his own reflection in the looking-glass.

* * * * *


In the immediate vicinity of the pretty little town of Kells stands one of
those peculiar high round towers, the origin of which has so long puzzled
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