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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 20, 1841 by Various
page 29 of 61 (47%)

Thus the poor girl was caught, for there was no
Appeal against so wealthy lover's fiat:
She must e'en be a wife of his, and so
She yielded him her hand demure and quiet;
For ladies seldom cry unless they know
There's somebody convenient to cry _at_--
And; though it is consoling, on reflection
Such fierce emotions ruin the complexion.

* * * * *


Yesterday Paddy Green honoured that great artist William Hogarth Teniers
Raphael Bunks, Esq., with a sitting for a likeness. The portrait, which
will doubtless be an admirable one, is stated to be destined to adorn one
of Mr. Catnach's ballads, namely, "The Monks of Old!" which Mr. P. Green,
in most obliging manner, has allowed to appear.

William Paul took a walk yesterday as far as Houndsditch, in company with
Jeremiah Donovan. A pair of left-off unmentionables is confidently
reported to be the cause of their visit in the "far East."

The lady of Paddy Green, Esquire, on Wednesday last, with that kindness
which has always distinguished her, caused to be distributed a platterful
of trotter bones amongst the starving dogs of the neighbourhood.

From information exclusively our own, and for whose correctness we would
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