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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 20, 1841 by Various
page 42 of 61 (68%)

Dr. Demosthenes &c. &c. &c. &c. Bedford, who has lately broken out in a
new place, has been accused by the lieges of the Borough of having acted
in a most unprofessional manner; in short, with having lost his
_patience_. He, Dr. Demosthenes &c. begs to state, the only surgical
operation he ever attempted was most successful, notwithstanding it was
the difficult one of amputating his "mahogany;" and he further adds, the
only case he ever had is still in his hand, it being a most obstinate

[Illustration: CARD CASE.]

* * * * *


(_By the Observer's Own Correspondent._)

Knowing the anxiety that will be felt on this subject, though we doubt if
the future King can be called _a subject_ at all, we have collected the
following exclusive particulars:--


His Royal Highness will for the present go by the title of "Poppet,"
affectionately conferred upon him by Mrs. Lilly at the moment of his
birth. Poppet is a title of very great antiquity, and has from time
immemorial been used as a mark of endearment towards a newly-born child in
all genteel families. Lovey-Dovey has been spoken of; but it is not likely
that His Royal Highness will assume the style and dignity of Lovey-Dovey
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