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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 27, 1841 by Various
page 14 of 60 (23%)

The borough of Limerick at present enjoys the singular advantage of having
two civic heads to the city. The new _mare_, Martin Honan, Esq., after
being duly elected, civilly requested the old _mare_, C. S. Vereker, Esq.,
to turn out; to which he as civilly replied that he would see him blessed
first, and as he was himself the only genuine and original donkey, he was
resolved not to yield his place at the corporate manger to the new animal.
Thus matters remain at present--the old _Mare_ resolutely refusing to take
his head out of the halter until he is compelled to do so.

* * * * *


_By the Author of the "Great Metropolis."_

It is a remarkable fact that, in spite of the recent Act, there are no
less than three hundred sweeps who still continue to cry "sweep," in the
very teeth of the legislative measure alluded to. I have been in the habit
of meeting many of these sweeps at the house I use for my breakfast; and
in the course of conversation with them, I have generally found that they
know they are breaking the law in calling out "sweep," but they do not
raise the cry for the mere purpose of law-breaking. I am sure it would be
found on inquiry that it is only with the view of getting business that
they call out at all; and this shows the impolicy of making a law which is
not enforced; for they all know that it is very seldom acted upon.

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