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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 27, 1841 by Various
page 16 of 60 (26%)
I have never until lately had much to do with Pitts, of Seven Dials; but I
have found him an intelligent tradesman, and a very spirited publisher. He
undertook to get out in five days a new edition of the celebrated
pennyworth of poetry, known some time back, and still occasionally met
with, as the "Three Yards of Popular Songs," which were all selected by
me, and for which I chose every one of the vignettes that were prefixed to
them. I have had extensive dealings both with Pitts and Catnach; and in
comparing the two men, I should say one was the Napoleon of literature,
the other the Mrs. Fry. Catnach is all for dying speeches and executions,
while Pitts is peculiarly partial to poetry. Pitts, for instance, has
printed thousands of "My Pretty Jane," while Catnach had the execution of
Frost all in type for many months before his trial. It is true that Frost
never was hanged, but Blakesley was; and the public, to whom the document
was issued when the latter event occurred, had nothing to do but to bear
in mind the difference of the names, and the account would do as well for
one as for the other. Catnach has been blamed for this; but it will not be
expected that _I_ shall censure any one for the grossest literary

* * * * *


The success of the Polish Ball has induced some humane individuals to
propose that a similar festival should take place for the relief of the
distressed Spitalfields weavers. We like the notion of a charitable
quadrille--or a benevolent waltz; and it delights us to see a
philanthropic design _set on foot_, through the medium of a gallopade. A
dance which has for its object the putting of bread in the mouths of our
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