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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 27, 1841 by Various
page 26 of 60 (43%)

One said she was indecorously florid--
One thought "she only squinted, nothing more--"
A third, convulsively pronounced her "horrid "--
While Bo-hea, who was _low_ (at four-and-four),
Glanced from her fingers up at Hy-son's forehead,
Who, inkling such a tendency before,
Cared for no rival's nails--but paid--I own,
Particular attention to her own.

Well, this was bad enough; but worse than this
Were the attentions of our ancient hero,
Whose frequent vow, and frequenter caress,
Unwelcome were for any one to hear, who
Had charms for better pleasure than a kiss
From feeble dotard ten degrees from zero.
So, as one does when circumstances harass one,
Hy-son began to draw up a comparison.

"Was ever maiden so abused as I am?
Teazed into such a marriage--then to be
Dosed with my husband twenty times _per diem_,
With _repetetur haustus_ after tea!
And, if he should die, what can I get by him?
A jointure's nothing among fifty-three!
I'm meek enough--but this I can _not_ bear--
I wish: I wish:--I wish a girl might swear!"

In such a mood, she--(stop! I'll mend my pen;
For now all our preliminaries _are_ done,
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