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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 27, 1841 by Various
page 40 of 60 (66%)
Though a Wilde[2] to the dark-frowning gallows is led--
Tho' the robber, when caught, is most kindly sent hence
Beyond the blue wave, at his country's expense!--
Yet so bad, so disgracefully bad, seems to me
The state of the law in this '_Land of the free_'"--
(Speak these words in a manner most zealous and fervid)--
That there's no law for those who most richly deserve it!
Yes, Sir, 'tis a fact not less true than astounding--
A fact--to the wise with instruction abounding,
That those who the face of the country destroy,
And hurl o'er the best scenes of Nature alloy--
Who Earth's brightest portions cut through at a dash--
Who mix beauty and beastliness all in one hash"--
(I don't dwell upon deaths, since a reason so brittle
Is but worthy of minds unpoetic and little)--
"Base scum of the Earth, and sweet Nature's dissectors,
Meet with no just reward--these same Railway Directors!"
I've not mentioned the "Laughters," the "Bravos," the "Hears,"
"Agitations," "Sensations," and "Deafening Cheers,"
Which of course would attend a speech _so_ patriotic,
So truly exciting, and anti-narcotic!
In this style I'd proceed, 'till I'd proved to the House
That these railways, in fact, were a national _chouse_,
And the best thing to do for poor Earth, to protect her,
Would be--_to hang daily a Railway Director!_
_Of course_ the Hon. Members could ne'er have a thought
Of opposing a motion with kindness so fraught;
But would welcome with fervent and loud acclamation }
A project so teeming with consideration, }
As a model of justice, a boon to the nation! }
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