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Massacre at Paris by Christopher Marlowe
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Enter the King of Navar and Queen [Margaret], and his [olde]
Mother Queen [of Navarre], the Prince of Condy, the Admirall,
and the Pothecary with the gloves, and gives them to the olde

POTHECARIE. Maddame, I beseech your grace to except this simple gift.

OLD QUEENE. Thanks my good freend, holde, take thou this reward.

POTHECARIE. I humbly thank your Majestie.

Exit Pothecary.

OLD QUEENE. Me thinkes the gloves have a very strong perfume,
The sent whereof doth make my head to ake.

NAVARRE. Doth not your grace know the man that gave them you?

OLD QUEENE. Not wel, but do remember such a man.

ADMIRALL. Your grace was ill advisde to take them then,
Considering of these dangerous times.

OLD QUEENE. Help sonne Navarre, I am poysoned.

QUEENE MARGARET. The heavens forbid your highnes such mishap.

NAVARRE. The late suspition of the Duke of Guise,
Might well have moved your highnes to beware
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