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Mob Rule in New Orleans - Robert Charles and His Fight to Death, the Story of His Life, Burning - Human Beings Alive, Other Lynching Statistics by Ida B. Wells-Barnett
page 3 of 73 (04%)
scenes by their indifference will read unmoved these accounts of
brutality, injustice and oppression. We do not believe that the moral
conscience of the nation--that which is highest and best among us--will
always remain silent in face of such outrages, for God is not dead, and
His Spirit is not entirely driven from men's hearts.

When this conscience wakes and speaks out in thunder tones, as it must, it
will need facts to use as a weapon against injustice, barbarism and wrong.
It is for this reason that I carefully compile, print and send forth these
facts. If the reader can do no more, he can pass this pamphlet on to
another, or send to the bureau addresses of those to whom he can order
copies mailed.

Besides the New Orleans case, a history of burnings in this country is
given, together with a table of lynchings for the past eighteen years.
Those who would like to assist in the work of disseminating these facts,
can do so by ordering copies, which are furnished at greatly reduced
rates for gratuitous distribution. The bureau has no funds and is entirely
dependent upon contributions from friends and members in carrying on the

Ida B. Wells-Barnett
Chicago, Sept. 1, 1900


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