A Briefe Introduction to Geography by William Pemble
page 18 of 50 (36%)
page 18 of 50 (36%)
The more notable parts of the Earth are these. 1 A Continent or maine Land, or as some call it firme Land, which is not parted by the Sea running betweene. 2 An Iland, a land compassed about with waters. 3 A Peninsula, a land almost surrounded by waters saue at one place, where ioynes by a narrow necke of land to the Continent; this is also called Chersonesus. 4 An Isthmus, a streight necke of land which ioynes two countreys together, and keepes the Sea from compassing the one. 5 A Promontorie or head land running farre out into the Sea like a wedge. 6 A Mountaine } } 7 A Valley } All easie to bee knowne } 8 A Champion plain } without any definition. } 9 A Wood } The more notable parts of the Water are these 1 _Mare_ the Sea, or Ocean, which is the gathering together of all waters. |