A Briefe Introduction to Geography by William Pemble
page 7 of 50 (14%)
page 7 of 50 (14%)
3 By the orderly and successiue rising of the Sunne and starres,
and settinge of the same. Which appeare not at the same time to all countryes, but vnto one after another. As for example, let (_F.C.B._) be the Circle of the earth, (_D.E.A._) the Circle of the heauen from East to west, let (_A_) bee the Sunne or a starre. When the Sunne (_A_) is vp, and shines vpon them that dwell in (_B_) hee is not risen to them that dwell in (_C_) againe when hee is risen higher and is come to (_E_) and so shines vpon those that dwell in (_C_) hee is not yet vp to them that dwell in (_F_). Againe when hee setts in the West, in (_D_) and so is out of sight to the inhabitants in (_B_) hee is yet vp to them that dwell in (_C_) and (_F_). Which shews plainely the earth is round. [Illustration] 4 By the different obseruations of Eclipses. One and the same Eclipse appearing sooner to the Easterly Nations then those that lye farther west, which is caused by the bulke of the earth swelling vp betweene. As for example. Let (_X.O._) bee the Circle of the earth, and the greater the Circle of the heauen from East to West. Let (_P.Q._) bee the body of the Sunne, (_W.S._) of the Moone in the eclipse by reason of the earth betweene it and the Sunne. It is manifest that the inhabitants in (_O_) shall see the eclipse before the inhabitants in (_X_) by certaine houres, according as the distance betweene (_X_) and (_O_) is more or lesse. They that dwell in (_O_) shall see it in (_S_) they that dwell in (_X_) see it not till it come to (_W_) a great deale higher. |