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The Spirit and the Word - A Treatise on the Holy Spirit in the Light of a Rational - Interpretation of the Word of Truth by Zachary Taylor Sweeney
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not be forgiven.
1:67. Zacharias was filled with
12:12. The Holy Spirit shall teach [the] Holy Spirit.
you in that very hour what ye
ought to say. 2:25. There was a man in
Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon;
24:49. Behold, I send forth the ... [the] Holy Spirit was upon
promise of my Father upon you. him.


1:32. I have beheld the Spirit 1:33. The same is he that
descending as a dove out of baptizeth in the Holy Spirit.
heaven; and it abode upon him.
3:5. Except one be born of water
1:33. Upon whomsoever thou shalt and [the] _Spirit_.
see the Spirit descending, and
abiding upon him. 7:39. [The] Spirit was not yet
3:6. That which is born of the
Spirit is spirit. 20:22. He breathed on them, and
saith unto them, Receive ye [the]
3:8. So is every one that is born Holy Spirit.
of the Spirit.

3:34. He giveth not the Spirit by

6:63. It is the spirit that giveth
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