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The Spirit and the Word - A Treatise on the Holy Spirit in the Light of a Rational - Interpretation of the Word of Truth by Zachary Taylor Sweeney
page 19 of 98 (19%)
21.11. Thus saith the Holy
Spirit, So shall the Jews at
Jerusalem bind the man that owneth
this girdle.

28: 25. Well spake the Holy Spirit
through Isaiah the prophet.


8:2. The law of the _Spirit_ 1:4. Who was declared to be the
of life in Christ Jesus made me Son of God with power, according
free from the law of sin and of to [the] spirit of holiness.
5:5. The love of God hath been
8: 10. The spirit is life because shed abroad in our hearts through
of righteousness. [the] Holy _Spirit_.

8: 11. If the Spirit of him that 8:4. The ordinance of the law
raised up Jesus from the dead might be fulfilled in us, who walk
dwelleth in you, he ... shall ... after [the] _Spirit_.
give life also to your mortal
bodies through his Spirit. 8:5. They that are after [the]
_Spirit_ the things of [the]
8:16. The _Spirit_ himself _Spirit_.
beareth witness with our spirit.
8:9. Ye are ... in the
8:23. Who have the first-fruits of _Spirit_, if ... [the] Spirit
the Spirit. of God dwelleth in you. But if
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