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The Spirit and the Word - A Treatise on the Holy Spirit in the Light of a Rational - Interpretation of the Word of Truth by Zachary Taylor Sweeney
page 57 of 98 (58%)
claim, and Jesus died because his claims were not accepted by his
people; but after his death he was crowned with glory and honor at the
right hand of the Majesty on high, and the Spirit came to demonstrate
the righteous claims Jesus made while on earth. The Spirit came to
convict men of the righteousness of Christ, and not their own
righteousness. A simple illustration will probably throw light upon this
thought. Forty years ago my father lived in a little village in the
State of Illinois, midway between St. Louis and Indianapolis. One
afternoon two young lads, covered with dust and toilworn, came to his
house and told him they were sons of an elder of a Christian Church in
Indiana; that they had been robbed in St. Louis, and were making their
way home on foot; they asked for something to eat. My father doubted
their claims; he felt that they were impostors; but my mother, who had
boys of her own out in the world, and who always believed the best of
everybody, said: "We will feed them and care for them during the night."
Their wants were supplied, and they were given lodging for the night,
and sent on their way the next morning with a good lunch for the day.
Six months afterward, I preached in Monroe County, Indiana, and,
stopping with one of the elders of the church, two young lads were
introduced to me as his boys. They asked me if my father lived in
Illinois. I told them he did. They then recounted their experience at my
father's home, and said to me: "We would be glad when you return home if
you will tell your father that you stopped at our house, and that you
know we were what we claimed to be when we sought his aid." When I
returned to my father's home I convicted him of the righteousness of
those boys in the claim which they set forth, and which he had hitherto
doubted. In a similar manner the Spirit of God came down to convict the
world, that had rejected the claims of Jesus, of his righteousness in
making those claims.

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