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The Spirit and the Word - A Treatise on the Holy Spirit in the Light of a Rational - Interpretation of the Word of Truth by Zachary Taylor Sweeney
page 9 of 98 (09%)
There are two hundred and sixty-four references to the Spirit in the New
Testament. But in many of them there is no allusion to the Holy Spirit.
In many places the expressions "the Spirit," and "the Holy Spirit,"
should be rendered "Spirit" and "holy Spirit," or frequently "a holy
Spirit." The passages in this chapter are arranged in two columns:
Column I contains the passages in which the definite article is to be
found in the Greek. These should always be translated "the Holy Spirit."
Column 2 contains the passages where the definite article is not found
and which may be often--but not always--translated "a holy Spirit." The
use of the article is often governed by other parts of speech. Where the
Spirit sustains a universal relation to mankind, the word is italicized.


3:16. He saw the Spirit of God 1:18. She was found with child of
descending as a dove, and coming the Holy Spirit.
upon him.
1:20. That which is conceived in
4: 1. Then was Jesus led up of the her is of the Holy Spirit.
Spirit into the wilderness to be
tempted of the devil. 3:11. He shall baptize you in the
Holy Spirit, and in fire.
10:20. For it is not ye that
speak, but the Spirit of your 12:28. If I by the Spirit of God
Father that speaketh in you. cast out demons.

12:18. I will put my Spirit upon 22:43. How then doth David in the
him. Spirit call him Lord.

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