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Sermons on Various Important Subjects by Andrew Lee
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The work was published by the son of Isaiah Thomas, who is known both
as the father of American printing, and as a Minuteman at Lexington
and Concord in the War of Independence.

Some of the thoughts expressed in these sermons are a refreshing
return to an earlier time before American religious denominations
became fixed in their particular "systematic theology."

Reverend Lee's language and logic give us a glimpse of the purity of
mind and soul that followed in the wake of desperate revolutionary
conflict and the tumultuous years following independence when the
greatest minds of the time formulated the American Constitution and
The Bill of Rights. These sermons seem to address the universal issues
with which men of all times and places have also struggled, in times
of peace as well as war. These issues are articulated here with a
clarity that is perhaps only achieved in those times of great testing,
tears, and tenuous victory that began in 1776 and that would remain
tenuous until after the War of 1812.

Lee lived in a time of great intellectual pursuit and Lee's views of
life and the Lord's Providence seem particularly blessed with
illumination through the Holy Spirit.

Fredric Lozo, January, 2005

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