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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 10 of 432 (02%)

The Elementary Sounds of the English language are divided into Vocals,
Subvocals, and Aspirates.


Vocals are sounds which consist of pure tone only. A diphthong is a union
of two vocals, commencing with one and ending with the other.

DIRECTION.--Put the lips, teeth, tongue, and palate in their proper
position; pronounce the word in the chart forcibly, and with the falling
inflection, several times in succession; then drop the subvocal or
aspirate sounds which precede or follow the vocal, and repeat the vocals

Table of Vocals.

Long Vocals.
Vocal as in Vocal as in
----- ----- ----- -----
a hate e err
a hare i pine
a far o no
a pass u tube
a fall u burn
e eve oo cool

Short Vocals
Vocal as in Vocal as in
----- ----- ----- -----
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