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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 102 of 432 (23%)

DEFINITIONS.--1. Fes'tal, mirthful, joyous. Gar'land-ed, adorned with
wreaths of flowers. 3. De-vot'ed, solemnly set apart. 4. En-hance',
increase. 6. Sun'dered, separated. 7. Glim'mer-ings, faint views,
glimpses. 8. Ro'se-ate, blooming, rosy. 11. Fel'on, a public criminal. 12.
En-tic'ing, attracting to evil. Spurned, rejected with disdain. 13. Lure,
to attract, to entice. 14. En-chant'ed, affected with enchantment,

NOTES.--8. Golconda is an ancient city and fortress of India, formerly
renowned for its diamonds. They were merely cut and polished there,
however, being generally brought from Parteall, a city farther south.


Mr. H. and the Steward.

Mr. H. Ha! Steward, how are you, my old boy? How do things go on at home?

Steward. Bad enough, your honor; the magpie's dead.

H. Poor Mag! So he's gone. How came he to die?

S. Overeat himself, sir.

H. Did he? A greedy dog; why, what did he get he liked so well?

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