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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 120 of 432 (27%)
of joy.

DEFINITIONS.--1. Fag'ots. bundles of sticks used for fuel. Prat'tle,
trifling talk. Dis'si-pate, to scatter. 2. Pu'ny, small and weak. 4.
Pil'grim-age, a journey. 5. Sus'te-nance, that which supports life.
For'ti-tude, resolute endurance. 7. In-dif'fer-ent, neither very good nor
very bad. Com-pli-ca'tion, entanglement. Sym'pa-thies, compassion.
Prof'fered, offered to give. 9. Man'na, food miraculously provided by God
for the Israelites.


James Henry Leigh Hunt (b. 1784, d. 1859) was the son of a West Indian,
who married an American lady, and practiced law in Philadelphia until the
Revolution; being a Tory, he then returned to England, where Leigh Hunt
was born. The latter wrote many verses while yet a boy, and in 1801 his
father published a collection of them, entitled "Juvenilia." For many
years he was connected with various newspapers, and, while editor of the
"Examiner," was imprisoned for two years for writing disrespectfully of
the prince regent. While in prison he was visited frequently by the poets
Byron, Moore, Lamb, Shelley, and Keats; and there wrote "The Feast of the
Poets," "The Descent of Liberty, a Mask," and "The Story of Rimini," which
immediately gave him a reputation as a poet. His writings include various
translations, dramas, novels, collections of essays, and poems.

1. ABOU BEN ADHEM (may his tribe increase!)
Awoke one night from a deep dream of peace,
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