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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 127 of 432 (29%)
shrub bearing beautiful flowers, used in Great Britain for making brooms,
etc. 6. In-spired', animated, enlivened. Su-per--nat'u-ral, more than
human. Brake, a place overgrown with shrubs and brambles.
Re-ver'ber-at-ing, resounding, echoing. In-tent', having the mind closely
fixed. 8. Plaid (pro. plad), a striped or decked overgarment worn by the
Scotch. 9. E-jac'u-lat-ed, ex-claimed. 11. Scour, to pass over swiftly and

Note.--The scene of this story is laid in Scotland, and many of the words
employed, such as brae, brake, heather, and plaid, are but little used
except in that country.


Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (b. 1807, d. 1882), the son of Hon. Stephen
Longfellow, an eminent lawyer, was born in Portland, Maine. He graduated
at Bowdoin College in 1825. After spending four years in Europe, he was
Professor of Modern Languages and Literature at Bowdoin till 1835, when he
was appointed to the chair of Modern Languages and Belles-lettres in
Harvard University. He resigned his professorship in 1854, after which
time he resided in Cambridge, Mass. Longfellow wrote many original works
both in verse and prose, and made several translations, the most famous of
which is that of the works of Dante. His poetry is always chaste and
elegant, showing traces of careful scholarship in every line. The numerous
and varied editions of his poems are evidences of their popularity.

1. There is a Reaper whose name is Death,
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