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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 134 of 432 (31%)
16. Drink, then, and be refreshed! The water is as pure and cold as when
it slaked the thirst of the red hunter, and flowed beneath the aged bough,
though now this gem of the wilderness is treasured under these hot stones,
where no shadow falls, but from the brick buildings. But, still is this
fountain the source of health, peace, and happiness, and I behold, with
certainty and joy, the approach of the period when the virtues of cold
water, too little valued since our father's days, will be fully
appreciated and recognized by all.

DEFINITIONS.--1. Per-pe-tu'i-ty, endless duration. 2. Pro-mul'gat-ing,
announcing. 3. Mu-nic-i-pal'i-ty, a division of a country or of a city. 4.
Mus'ter day, parade day. Sun'dry, several. Un-a-dul'ter-at-ed, pure,
unmixed. Co'gnac (pro. Kon'yak), a French brandy. 6. Po-ta'tions,
drinkings. Ru'bi-cund, inclining to red-ness. 7. To'phet, the infernal
regions. 10. Tit-il-la'tion, tickling. 11. Re-plen'ish, to fill again. 14.
Mo-nop'o-lize, to obtain the whole. Con-sum-ma'tion, completion,
termination. Squalid, filthy. 15. Pro-tract'ed, delayed. 16. Slaked,


Samuel Griswold Goodrich (b. 1793, d. 1860) was born in Ridgefield, Conn.
Mr. Goodrich is best known as "Peter Parley," under which assumed name he
commenced the publication of a series of Juvenile works about 1827. He
edited "Parley's Magazine" from 1841 to 1854. He was appointed United
States consul for Paris in 1848, and held that office four years. He was a
voluminous writer, and his works are interesting and popular. His
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