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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 14 of 432 (03%)
a o what y i hymn
e a there c s cite
e a freight c k cap
i e police ch sh machine
i e sir ch k chaos
o u son g j cage
o oo to n ng rink
o oo would s z rose
o a corn s ah sure
o u work x gz examine
u oo pull gh f laugh
u oo rude ph f sylph
y i my qu k pique
qu kw quick


DIRECTION.--Give to each sound, to each syllable, and to each word its
full, distinct, and appropriate utterance.

For the purpose of avoiding the more common errors under this head,
observe the following rules:

RULE II.--Avoid the omission of unaccented vowels.


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