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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 140 of 432 (32%)
said Polly.

23. "Say, 'father.' We never called him papa; and if one of my brothers
had addressed him as 'governor,' as boys now do, I really think he'd have
him cut off with a shilling."

DEFINITIONS.--3. Im-pos'ing, having the power of exciting attention and
feeling, impressive. 4. Mag'pie, a noisy, mischievous bird, common in
Europe and America. 12. Van'ished, disappeared. Me'te-or, a shooting star.
13. Con'fi-dent-ly, with trust. 17. Bla-se' (pro. bla-za'), a French word
meaning surfeited, rendered incapable further enjoyment. 21. In'va-lid, a
person who is sickly.


1. Such beautiful, beautiful hands!
They're neither white nor small;
And you, I know, would scarcely think
That they are fair at all.
I've looked on hands whose form and hue
A sculptor's dream might be;
Yet are those aged, wrinkled hands
More beautiful to me.

2. Such beautiful, beautiful hands!
Though heart were weary and sad,
Those patient hands kept toiling on,
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