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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 144 of 432 (33%)

8. "Very good," replied the dial; "but recollect that, although
you may think of a million of strokes in an instant, you are
required to execute but one; and that, however often you may
hereafter have to swing, a moment will always be given you to
swing in." "That consideration staggers me, I confess," said the
pendulum. "Then I hope," resumed the dial plate, "that we shall all
return to our duty immediately; for the maids will be in bed if we
stand idling thus."

9. Upon this, the weights, who had never been accused of light conduct,
used all their influence in urging him to proceed; when, as if with one
consent, the wheels began to turn, the hands began to move, the pendulum
began to swing, and, to its credit, ticked as loud as ever; while a red
beam of the rising sun, that streamed through a hole in the kitchen,
shining full upon the dial plate, it brightened up as if nothing had been
the matter.

10. When the farmer came down to breakfast that morning, upon looking at
the clock, he declared that his watch had gained half an hour in the

DEFINITIONS.--1. In'sti-tut-ed, commenced, began. Pro-test'ed, solemnly
declared. 4. Cal'cu-lat-ing, reckoning, computing. 5. Pros'pect,
anticipation, that to which one looks forward. 6. Ha-rangue' (pro.
ha-rang'), speech. Il-lus'trate, to make clear, to exemplify. 7.
Ex-er'tion (pro. egz-er'shun), effort. 8. Ex'e-eute, to complete, to
finish. Con-sid-er-a'tion, reason.
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