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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 162 of 432 (37%)
roaring. Riv'ing, splitting.

NOTES.--1. Lodore is a cascade on the banks of Lake Derwentwater, in
Cumberland, England, near where Southey lived.

3. Laureate. The term probably arose from a custom in the English
universities of presenting a laurel wreath to graduates in rhetoric and
versification. In England the poet laureate's office is filled by
appointment of the lord chamberlain. The salary is quite small, and the
office is valued chiefly as one of honor.

This lesson is peculiarly adapted for practice on the difficult sound


1. The happiest bird of our spring, however, and one that rivals the
European lark in my estimation, is the boblincoln, or bobolink as he is
commonly called. He arrives at that choice portion of our year which, in
this latitude, answers to the description of the month of May so often
given by the poets. With us it begins about the middle of May, and lasts
until nearly the middle of June. Earlier than this, winter is apt to
return on its traces, and to blight the opening beauties of the year; and
later than this, begin the parching, and panting, and dissolving heats of
summer. But in this genial interval, Nature is in all her freshness and
fragrance: "the rains are over and gone, the flowers appear upon the
earth, the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the
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