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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 170 of 432 (39%)

4. Knives, hammers, and chisels, with every variety of such weapons, were
in the hands of the ferocious spirits, who are drawn away from their
encroachments on society, forming a congregation of strength, vileness,
and talent that can hardly be equaled on earth, even among the famed
brigands of Italy.

5. Men of all ages and characters, guilty of every variety of infamous
crime, dressed in the motley and peculiar garb of the institution, and
displaying the wild and demoniac appearance that always pertains to
imprisoned wretches, were gathered together for the single purpose of
preventing the punishment which was to be inflicted on the morrow upon
their comrades.

6. The warden, the surgeon, and some other officers of the prison were
there at the time, and were alarmed at the consequences likely to ensue
from the conflict necessary to restore order. They huddled together, and
could scarcely be said to consult, as the stoutest among them lost all
presence of mind in overwhelming fear. The news rapidly spread through the
town, and a subordinate officer, of the most mild and kind disposition,
hurried to the scene, and came calm and collected into the midst of the
officers. The most equable-tempered and the mildest man in the government
was in this hour of peril the firmest.

7. He instantly dispatched a request to Major Wainright, commander of the
marines stationed at the Navy Yard, for assistance, and declared his
purpose to enter into the hall and try the force of firm demeanor and
persuasion upon the enraged multitude.

8. All his brethren exclaimed against an attempt so full of hazard, but in
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