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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 172 of 432 (39%)
12. They replied that they expected that some would be killed,--that
death would be better than such imprisonment; and, with that look and tone
which bespeak an indomitable purpose, they declared that not a man should
leave the hall alive till the flogging was remitted. At this period of the
discussion their evil passions seemed to be more inflamed, and one or two
offered to destroy the officer, who still stood firmer and with a more
temperate pulse than did his friends, who saw from above, but could not
avert, the danger that threatened him.

13. Just at this moment, and in about fifteen minutes from the
commencement of the tumult, the officer saw the feet of the marines, on
whose presence alone he relied for succor, filing by the small upper
lights. Without any apparent anxiety, he had repeatedly turned his
attention to their approach; and now he knew that it was his only time to
escape, before the conflict became, as was expected, one of the most dark
and dreadful in the world.

14. He stepped slowly backward, still urging them to depart before the
officers were driven to use the last resort of firearms. When within three
or four feet of the door, it was opened, and closed instantly again as he
sprang through, and was thus unexpectedly restored to his friends.

15. Major Wainright was requested to order his men to fire down upon the
convicts through the little windows, first with powder and then with ball,
till they were willing to retreat; but he took a wiser as well as a bolder
course, relying upon the effect which firm determination would have upon
men so critically situated. He ordered the door to be again opened, and
marched in at the head of twenty or thirty men, who filed through the
passage, and formed at the end of the hall opposite to the crowd of
criminals huddled together at the other.
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