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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 175 of 432 (40%)
Than does in his whose soul indignant swells,
Warmed by the fight, or cheered through high debate."

DEFINITIONS.--2. Warden, a keeper, one who guards, 4. En-croach'ment,
unlawful intrusion on the rights of others. Brig'ands, robbers, those who
live by plunder. 5. Mot'ley, composed of various colors. De-mo'ni-ac,
devil-like. 6. Sub-or'di-nate, inferior in power. 7. Ma-rines, soldiers
that serve on board of ships. De-mean'or, be-havior, deportment. 8.
Par'ley, conversation or conference with an enemy. 9. Re-mis'sion (pro.
re-mish'un), pardon of transgression. 11. Im-pre-ca'tions, curses, prayers
for evil. Ex-pos'tu-lat-ed, rea-soned earnestly. 12. In-dom'i-ta-ble, that
can not be subdued or tamed. 17. Blenched. gave way, shrunk. 18.
In-trep'id, fearless. 19, Re-prieve', a delay of punishment. 21.
Pre-cip'i-tan-cy, headlong hurry.


Thomas Hood (b. 1798, d. 1845) was the son of a London bookseller. After
leaving school he undertook to learn the art of an engraver, but soon
turned his attention to literature. In 1821 he became sub-editor of the
"London Magazine." Hood is best known as a humorist; but some of his poems
are full of the tenderest pathos; and a gentle, humane spirit pervades
even his lighter productions. He was poor, and during the last years of
his life suffered much from ill health. Some of his most humorous pieces
were written on a sick bed.

1. Ben Battle was a soldier bold,
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