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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 178 of 432 (41%)
And then removed his pegs,
And, as his legs were off, of course
He soon was off his legs.

14. And there he hung till he was dead
As any nail in town:
For, though distress had cut him up,
It could not cut him down!

DEFINITIONS.--4. De-voirs' (French, pro, de-vwor'), respects: compliments.
5. Scoff, an object of ridicule. 6, U'ni-form (adj.), consistent, (noun)
military dress. 7. Blithe, merry, gay.

NOTES.--2. Forty-second Foot. Infantry in the army is spoken of as "the
foot," and the "Forty-second Foot" means the Forty-second Regiment of

3. Members. Persons elected to Parliament in Great Britain are called
"Members," and are said to represent those who elect them.

12. The Line is another name for the regular infantry.


1. Let Vergil sing the praises of Augustus, genius celebrate merit, and
flattery extol the talents of the great. "The short and simple annals of
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