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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 181 of 432 (41%)
If you have superfluities, share them among your poor neighbors, who,
being unable to sow their fields last autumn, are still in want; let us
assist them, my dear friends; the Almighty will bless us for it." "Yes,"
replied the grateful peasants, "our poor neighbors shall have this corn.
They shall know it is to you that they owe this timely succor, and join to
teach their children the debt of gratitude due to your benevolent heart."
Silin raised his tearful eyes to heaven. An angel might have envied him
his feelings.
--Nikolai Karamzin.

DEFINITIONS.--1. Ex-tol', to elevate by praise. An'nals, history of
events. En-gross', to occupy wholly. El'o-quence, the power of speaking
well. 2. Drought (pro. drout), want of rain or water. 4. Es-tate',
property in land. 5. Gran'a-ry, a storehouse far grain. 6. Sub-sist'ence,
means of support. Pro-pen'si-ties, bent of mind, inclination. 10.
Su-per-flu'i-ties, greater quantities than are wanted. Suc'cor, aid, help.

NOTES.--l. Vergil was the greatest of Roman poets. He was born in the year
70 B.C., and died 19 B.C.

Augustus Caesar was emperor of Rome in the latter portion of Vergil's
life, and received many compliments in the verses of his friend the poet.

2. Lower Volga is a district in eastern Russia, bordering on the Caspian
Sea, and takes its name from the river Volga.

4. Simbirsk is a town of eastern Russia, on the Volga.

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