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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 196 of 432 (45%)
The valley to a shining mountain swells,
Tipped with a wreath high-curling in the sky

DEFINITIONS.--1. Ma'zy, winding. 2. Hoar, white or grayish white. E-mits',
sends forth, throws out, 3. Win'now-ing, separat-ing chaff from grain by
means of wind. Boon, a gift. 4. Em--broil'ing, throwing into disorder or
contention. 5, A-skance', side-ways. 6. Wilds, woods, forests. Be-set',
hemmed in on all sides so that escape is difficult. 7. Dire, dreadful,
terrible. Waft, a current of wind. Whelms', covers completely.

NOTE.--4. Household gods. An allusion to the belief of the ancient Romans
in the Penates--certain gods who were supposed to protect the household
and all connected with it. The idea here expressed is, that the Redbreast
was secure from harm.


1. A railroad train was rushing along at almost lightning speed. A curve
was just ahead, beyond which was a station where two trains usually met.
The conductor was late,--so late that the period during which the up train
was to wait had nearly elapsed; but he hoped yet to pass the curve safely.
Suddenly a locomotive dashed into sight right ahead. In an instant there
was a collision. A shriek, a shock, and fifty souls were in eternity; and
all because an engineer had been behind time.

2. A great battle was going on. Column after column had been precipitated
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