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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 208 of 432 (48%)
Heaven's first star alike ye see;
Lift the heart, and bend the knee.


Characters.--SWIPES, a brewer; CURRIE, a saddler; FRANK MILLINGTON; and

Swipes. A sober occasion, this, brother Currie. Who would have thought the
old lady was so near her end?

Currie. Ah! we must all die, brother Swipes; and those who live the
longest outlive the most.

Swipes. True, true; but, since we must die and leave our earthly
possessions, it is well that the law takes such good care of us. Had the
old lady her senses when she departed?

Cur. Perfectly, perfectly. Squire Drawl told me she read every word of the
will aloud, and never signed her name better.

Swipes. Had you any hint from the Squire what disposition she made of her

Cur. Not a whisper; the Squire is as close as an underground tomb; but one
of the witnesses hinted to me that she had cut off her graceless nephew,
Frank, without a shilling.

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