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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 215 of 432 (49%)
And the Nose was as plainly intended for them."

7. Then shifting his side (as a lawyer knows how),
He pleaded again in behalf of the Eyes:
But what were his arguments, few people know,
For the court did not think them equally wise.

8. So his lordship decreed, with a grave, solemn tone,
Decisive and clear, without one if or but,
That whenever the Nose put his spectacles on,
By daylight or candlelight,--Eyes should be shut.

DEFINITIONS.--2. Ar'gued, discussed, treated by reasoning. Dis-cern'ing
(pro. diz-zern'ing), marking as different, distinguishing, 3. Be-half',
support, defense. 8. De-creed', determined judicially by authority,


Louis Legrand Noble (b. 1813, d. 1882) was horn in Otsetgo County, New
York. When twelve years of age, he removed with his family to the wilds of
Michigan, but after the death of his father he returned to New York to
study for the ministry, which he entered in 1840. About this time he
published his first productions, two Indian romances in the form of poems,
entitled "Pewatem" and "Nimahmin." Mr. Noble lived for a time in North
Carolina, and later at Catskill on the Hudson, where he became a warm
friend of the artist Cole. After the latter's death he wrote a memorial of
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