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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 30 of 432 (06%)
without principle', They were tyrants at home', and robbers abroad'.

2. Negation and affirmation.


He desired not to injure' his friend, but to protect' him.
We desire not your money', but yourselves'.
I did not say a better' soldier, but, an elder'.

If the affirmative clause comes first, the order of the inflections is


He desired to protect' his friend, not to injure' him.
We desire yourselves', not your money'.
I said an elder' soldier, not a better'.

The affirmative clause is sometimes understood.

We desire not your money'.
I did not say a better' soldier.
The region beyond the grave is not a solitary' land.

In most negative sentences standing alone, the corresponding affirmative
is understood; hence the following.

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