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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 36 of 432 (08%)
Accent, inflection, and indeed everything yields to emphasis.

REMARK 3.--In the following examples it will be seen that accent is
governed by it.


What is done cannot be undone.
There is a difference between giving and forgiving.
He that descended is the same that ascended.

Some appear to make very little difference between decency and indecency,
morality and immorality, religion and irreligion.

REMARK 4.--There is no better illustration of the nature and importance of
emphasis than the following examples. It will he observed that the meaning
and proper answer of the question vary with each change of the emphasis.


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Did you walk into the city yesterday? No, my brother went.

Did you walk into the city yesterday? No, I rode.

Did you walk into the city yesterday? No, I went into the country.

Did you walk into the city yesterday? No, I went the day before.

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